Bariatric Eating Guidelines: Why Can You Not Drink During Meals?

Knowing how much drinking you are allowed to do is important with bariatric eating. It is essential to follow bariatric nutrition in order to avoid serious health risks. Bariatric surgery can dramatically change your life, but you need to carefully follow your new dietary regime in order to see best results and avoid serious health complications. Before you consider bariatric surgery you want to consider all the risks involved. If you have already had the procedure and want help maintaining a healthy lifestyle you need to know what to do. This article can help you understand the health risks associated with drinking during meals after bariatric surgery.

How to Eat After Bariatric Surgery- Bariatric Eating Guidelines

Bariatric surgery and the resulting nutrition and diet that you follow are a good way to help you stop over eating, but it can also come with home health problems if you don’t follow the proper bariatric surgery eating guidelines. Bariatric surgery will reduce the size of your stomach and therefore, reduce the amount of food that can be contained in your stomach. If is important to eat slowly and carefully chew your food after bariatric surgery.

bariatric eating guidelines


Typically, not following bariatric eating guidelines will lead to nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are the same that you would feel if you ate too fast or ate too much food. However, there are other health issues that can occur after bariatric surgery that are easy to avoid if you follow proper eating habits. Let us look at some of these issues.

Some nutritional problems that occur after bariatric surgery include the following:

· Difficulty digesting food – especially red meats, bread products and fruit and vegetable skins.

· Intolerance to certain foods – especially in the few days after the operation.

· Malnutrition as a result of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

· Changes in bowel habits.

· Dehydration as a result of inadequate drinking.

· Some symptoms to look for after bariatric surgery include the following:

· Dry mouth

· Headache

· Fatigue

· Strong smelling and/or dark urine

· Lactose intolerance

· Gas

· Diarrhea

· Bloating

· Cramping


Tips on How Much and When to Drink and Eat After Bariatric Surgery

Following bariatric surgery you will need to abide by some simple bariatric eating guidelines and take daily dietary supplements and a regimen of multi-vitamins in order to avoid malnutrition and get the missing nutrients from you new reduced diet. When you eat less, you will also be consuming less fiber so it is important to drink as much water as possible, exercise regularly and eat natural fiber sources such as oatmeal or applesauce.

Since bariatric surgery is reducing the size of your stomach it is important that you don’t drink too much fluids with you meal because this will over extend your stomach.  This will increase your feelings of nausea and increase your risk of vomiting. Also, drinking with your meals causes the food to travel faster through your stomach, potentially making you hungry sooner. Some foods can also be expanded as a result of mixing with water. Therefore, it is important to drink fluids often, but before and after meals.


Bariatric surgery is one of the best procedures to help obese patients lose weight. If you follow the tips above you will be able to reduce your chance of complications that can make the procedure uncomfortable.

4 Tips How to Motivate Weight Loss with Wife or Husband


Have you ever seen a friend or loved one struggle with their weight loss? Did you know that thinking about the various health conditions associated with obesity – diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke – can generate some discussion about the diseases and weight loss. However, it can also produce various feelings and reactions:

  •  Feeling of being attacked
  • Shame
  • Self-doubt
  • Provide nothing but excuses
  • Claiming that no one has the right to say anything


4 Ways To Motivate Weight Loss with your Wife or Husband

If you want to help someone lose weight, it’s imperative you do it without offending them. Of course, you may feel this is impossible to do. However, with the four tips below you can be the encouraging person they need to start their weight loss journey.

1. Listen To Them

If someone you know is worried about their weight, listen to them. And, unless you’re asked to share your worries, don’t. Just listen. Ask them what you can do to help them. Consider some suggestions for them:

  • Walk every dayweight loss
  • Share snacks or meals
  • Eat together
  • Treat themselves to weight loss goal rewards
  • Have regular water breaks
  • Give them support for grocery shopping
  • See a registered dietician together
  • Have healthier foods on hand

weight loss motivation2. Your Comments Should Be Supportive and Positive

You certainly don’t want to lose a friendship so if you know your advice is not wanted, bite your tongue. Don’t make any comments about their less than healthy eating habits. Remember, a person must be interested in losing weight themselves if it’s to happen. If you comment on it, you’re only going to do more harm than good.  Supportive, positive comments are far better in the long run.

3. Be A Weight Loss Role Modelweight loss husband

Be sure to pick foods, events and topics of conversation that generate healthy behaviors. Consider any of the following to help you:

  •  Offer snacks and/or meals you are eating to them.
  • Ask them to join you on a power walk.
  • Ask them to take part in your gardening project.
  • Don’t give them foods that will sabotage their efforts.
  • Pick active activities over sedentary ones.

 4. Be Their Cheerleader

Be sure you are their cheerleader. Each time they lose a pound or drop a pant-size, let them know how proud of them you are. If a person becomes frustrated and feels like weight loss is hopeless, provide them with some support. You don’t have to be an optimist all the time; but, when it comes to a weight loss journey, it’s imperative to give them positive thoughts to keep in their head so they’ll meet all their weight loss goals.

weight loss motivation


Christine Stewart

National Bariatric Link