Whether you have already had weight loss surgery or are simply considering it, having some insight into the lives of those who have had gastric bypass surgery can be highly beneficial. From determining what your life might be like if you have the procedure done to connecting with others who are on the same journey as you, here are the best gastric bypass blogs to follow.

  1. Beauty and The Bypass

Having struggled with weight loss since childhood, Nicole Bullock finally decided that gastric bypass surgery was the answer to reclaiming her health and happiness. Having been a blogger for 11 years, she decided to document her life and weight loss after having the surgery in February of 2012. Beauty and the Bypass provides an intimate and personal look into Nicole’s life that covers everything from her motivations, empowerment and triumphs to her doubts, depression and “some deep mental health struggles.”

Anyone who has ever struggled with their weight (whether before or after gastric bypass surgery) can relate to Nicole’s journey and the all-too-familiar hardships that she has faced and continues to overcome.

  1. Bariatric Girl

Yvonne McCarthy underwent gastric bypass surgery in March of 2001 at the hefty weight of 260 pounds. A woman of creative talents, Yvonne is a photographer, computer geek, artist, musician, animal lover and weight loss surgery devotee. Since her surgery, she has lost and maintained a weight loss of 130 pounds, and devoted herself to helping others who have decided to follow the weight loss surgery route. Choosing to pay it forward, she has become a certified Health & Wellness Instructor and volunteer whose goal is to positively contribute to the weight loss community that provided her so much when she first started.

For anyone who is looking to positively connect with someone who has traveled the gastric bypass surgery road, Yvonne offers support, encouragement and advice to others who are making their own journey.

  1. Miles To Go

Julia Holloman finally made the decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery after her weight had reached more than 300 pounds in 2006. Faced with obesity and a myriad of related health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid problems and sleep apnea, Julia made the decision (as a last resort) to have weight loss surgery. Since then, she has lost more than 160 pounds and no longer needs over half of the medications that she did before the surgery.

Today, her passion is to share the lessons that she has learned with others who are undertaking the same challenges that she did. Having been trained and certified by the Bariatric University as a Certified Bariatric Coach and Bariatric Support Group Leader, she now shares her story via blogging, speaking engagements, one-on-one sessions and local support groups.

In 2014, Julia published her book Out of Obesity and into the Promised Land in which she shares her incredible journey of struggle, weight loss and Christian faith. For those who are struggling to face their health problems, weight loss and faith, Miles To Go offers a safe haven of understanding and encouragement from someone who has lived it.

4. National Bariatric Link

Similar to the above mentioned Bariatric theme blogs, National Bariatric Link offers a blog filled with personal success stories but there is so much more! This blog responds to your medical questions on everything from pre-op diets to insurance coverage. It is imperative that National Bariatric Link provides the necessary information to answer all your questions so that you too can begin your Gastric Bypass journey. Enjoy a better quality of life and share your journey with others as you morph into the person you want to be, whether you choose to write a book, start a blog or simply tell your friends and neighbors.

Don’t miss out on these top gastric bypass blogs to follow and connect with others who are living their weight loss success stories. From stories, encouragement, tips and advice to one-on-one personal support sessions, these blogs have it all.

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