So you have made the decision for weight loss surgery and have undergone the procedure, as well as the pre-op and post-op diets. By this time in your weight loss study, you have grown accustomed to your new eating habits and, miraculously, you no longer struggle with weight issues, right?
Wrong… you will continue to struggle with the right food and exercise choices from this day forward. The weight loss will happen, slowly but surely. However, you will not see the results of your weight loss surgery without constant goal setting and hard work. That means avoiding some of your old habits such as ‘drinking your calories’. With a watchful eye on the food you consume, you will be a loser!
Working Hard after Weight Loss Surgery
While it would be nice if it worked that way, Bariatric surgery does not do all of the work needed to actually shed those unwanted pounds. What you can expect the weight loss surgery to do is help your stomach feel full much faster than it did before the procedure. As you also begin eating healthier and exercising more, this combination further affects your health and weight in a positive way.
Others may remark on your weight loss and commend you on how quickly the pounds are flying off since they do not see you every day. They might even make comments that you appear to be ‘melting’ (which also suggests you are putting forth no effort. GRR) These people do not know the level of discipline and work effort required to lose a significant amount of weight after weight loss surgery.
You should begin a weight loss journal as soon as possible and do not shy from the camera. Remember, in a way, you will be writing your very own success story. These pictures and dates will record the changes taking place within your life, and will help you realize how much you’ve changed since Bariatric surgery …and what a big loser you are! (C’mon, you know that’s funny!)
The Future’s so Bright …Wait, I Still Have to Exercise?
For some reason, common sense has gone out the window along with anything and everything people have ever learned about diet, exercise and the human body. No matter what, the body needs exercise. After weight loss surgery, numerous foods are no longer allowed to be part of your diet.
Enjoyment is gone for such things as pizza, hamburgers and even cake… as you can no longer eat bread, pasta, rice and sugary sweets – ever again. Regardless of the medical procedures you choose to help control the weight, a sensible diet and frequent exercise are both requires before you can achieve the results your body needs to be happy.