Excellent New Habits after Bariatric Surgery

After Bariatric Surgery, you will begin to look around your kitchen with new eyes, and as you make your weekly grocery list, there will be so many things you will no longer want to buy. Don’t worry – it will get easier as the days go by and soon, you will have some healthy new habits to add years to your life, but how can you speed those new habits along, helping make sure you see and enjoy the results of weight loss surgery long term?


New Habits after Bariatric Surgery

Here are some quick kitchen tips for those of you who want to make your kitchen weight loss friendly after Bariatric surgery and help speed those new habits along. Don’t be discouraged if you make a mistake. It took a lifetime to learn all of these unhealthy eating habits, so don’t be too hard on yourself! Every day is a clean slate and a fresh start on your road toward a healthy weight and proper nutritional habits.


Buy Bottled Water after Weight Loss Surgery

While you may have wonderfully tasting well or tap water that runs into your glass for free, you are probably willing to admit that you aren’t drinking the required number of glasses per day. After Bariatric surgery, it is highly recommended that you purchase bottled water and store it in the refrigerator or another cool location.

You will find that using purchasing bottled water will motivate you, and help you keep track of your daily water intake goals. You may be able to get your family involved with a little competitive cross referencing with the other water drinkers in your home. Do not mistake distilled water for healthy bottled water, which is not nearly as healthy and beneficial for your body.


Boiled Eggs after Bariatric Surgery

After weight loss surgery, you will have to follow a very specific diet until your stomach has healed and you are no longer on a liquid, puree or soft food regimen. Once you have been approved for regular food, you will be looking for high protein recipes that meet the needs of your new lifestyle. Breakfast can be especially difficult since you no longer need to eat toast, biscuits, sugary sweet cereal or greasy pork bacon and sausage.

However, what you can have are protein rich eggs. Most nutritionists will tell you that eating at least one hard boiled egg each morning for breakfast will increase your energy levels by 70 percent. This is because protein is fuel for the body and eggs are a fast, affordable and easy source. Make a new habit of keep a small container of hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator. You will find that this is a fast and convenient breakfast that you will learn to appreciate. Sprinkle some paprika on them for a bit of flavor if you do not like them plain, as this spice is a great source of vitamin E.


Individual Sweeteners Packets for Bariatric Patients

After Bariatric surgery, you will no longer be able to enjoy sugary sweet drinks and treats. You can, however, have artificial sugar. If one of your old habits included drinking sweet iced tea, Kool-aid or coffee with sugar, you should consider purchasing artificial sweeteners in individual packets. While drinks won’t taste nearly as sweet, you will find that over time, you can train your taste buds to enjoy less.

Another great benefit of pre-measured packets is you can see exactly how many calories you are drinking and how much progress you’ve made. Also, these pre-measured packets can be carried in a purse or pocket, making it easy to maintain your new habit wherever you go.

Zipper Seal Bags for Weight Loss Surgery Patients

After you have undergone Bariatric surgery, portion control becomes an important issue and plastic zipper seal bags can be a huge help in the storing and cooking process. While you can save significantly by buying in bulk, you should re-package all meat and food items into zipper seal bags that contain only enough for the number and size of the meals you will need.

Not only will you avoid over-eating and later raiding the fridge for leftovers, you will also find that packages used to make one dinner meal might stretch much further now. It won’t take long before you are hooked on buying and using these household helpers.


What are some other items to help build new habits after Bariatric surgery?